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Asymmetrical Breasts

Although our bodies are miracles of science, they’re far from perfect. In line with this, having breasts that aren’t even is more the norm than the exception. It’s estimated that at least one half of all women have uneven breasts. But it can make a woman feel self-conscious when in a swimsuit. That’s no good where we want our short northern Ohio summers to be spent as much as possible poolside, especially after this frigid winter!

To help get past these thoughts, Dr. Fedele can make your breasts more symmetrical. This may require breast augmentation, a breast lift, or a breast reduction, depending, of course, on the patient’s individual situation.

Here’s why your breasts are a little uneven.

Breast Size Fluctuates

You probably already know this, but your breasts are actually glands contained within your chest wall. Each breast weighs an average of seven to 10 ounces, and is made up of from 12 to 20 lobes that branch out from the nipple, kind of like bicycle spokes. Each of these lobes has a central duct that opens at the nipple, the exit location for milk during breastfeeding.

Women notice fluctuation in their breast size during ovulation and menstruation. Breasts usually are fuller, more even, and more sensitive during ovulation. This is due to your body retaining water and also the increased blood flow during that phase of your cycle. Then during menstruation, your breasts tend to shrink back to their normal shapes and sizes.

But Why Are They Sometimes Uneven?

Here are four reasons why your breasts may be uneven:

One of those reasons is probably behind your asymmetrical breasts. It’s not a big deal (with the exception of breast cancer, of course), unless it bothers you. If that’s the case, then a call to Dr. Fedele at (216) 464-1616 to schedule a consultation could be a good idea.