Virtual Consultation

Only available to patients who live outside of the greater Cleveland area.

Virtual consults are available for our out of state, or out of the greater Cleveland area patients. Dr. Fedele is seeing new patients in his office for initial consults but can discuss your concerns in a virtual manner! Virtual consults are ideal for our out of town patients and those who are unable to come in for their preliminary discussion. All patients will eventually be required to be examined in the office prior to their procedure. Our staff is available by phone or email to assist you in beginning your journey to achieve your aesthetic goals.

What To Expect

The virtual consultation process is easy. You will be asked to submit information about the procedures you are interested in and to describe your goals from surgery. You will also have the opportunity to submit photographs, which is a critical and necessary component to help you with your decision. After the doctor reviews the information and photographs you have submitted, you will be contacted by our office.

All patients participating in a virtual consult with Dr. Fedele are required to read over and sign this telemedicine consent form and email ([email protected]) or fax (216-464-1618) it to the office.

Consultation Form

    Please use the "choose file" buttons below to upload photos to send to us. We can not process a virtual consultation without images.

    • Use a solid background
    • Take photos of the area of interest from different angles
    • Images MUST be smaller than 6mb each
    • Filetypes accepted are jpg, jpeg, png, and gif
    • Large images may take a while to upload

    All information sent will remain private. Please allow 24 hours for us to get back to you.

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